Laguna I, (Lime stone, mouth wash), C-type print, size variable. 2015

Laguna II , C-type print, size variable. 2015

Laguna I:


Laguna I and II is a pair. They are two versions of paradise on earth. Laguna I is an image of a sculpture carved in limestone by the artist. Mouth wash is used to obtain the desired color to resemble the tropical sea.


The color of the mouthwash matches the color of the sea in Laguna II, while the limestone rock in Laguna I matches rock found on site at the location of Laguna II.



Laguna II:


Laguna I and II is a pair. They are two versions of paradise on earth. Laguna II is shot in Costa Del Sol in Wintertime. The beach is deserted, and the holiday resort is transformed from being exactly that, to a faint sleepy echo of something gone.


The limestone rock in Laguna I matches the rock found on site at the location of Laguna II, while the color of the tropical sea matches the color of the mouth wash in Laguna I.